Optimize ESG: Improve performance, responsibly

Carbon intensity reporting

Emissions reporting – Scope 1, 2, 3 

By reporting on all three scopes, businesses gain a comprehensive view of their emissions profile, which can help them identify areas of high emissions, prioritize mitigation efforts, and set goals for reducing overall carbon footprint. Additionally, reporting on scope 3 emissions can drive supply chain engagement and promote transparency across the entire value chain, leading to more sustainable practices and reduced emissions. 

What is it? Why track?

Scope 1 emissions refer to direct emissions that are produced from sources owned or controlled by the reporting organization, such as emissions from fuel combustion in boilers or production processes. These emissions are directly under the control of the organization and can be mitigated through operational changes or technology improvements. 

What is it? Why track?

Scope 2 emissions refer to indirect emissions that are generated from the production of purchased energy, such as electricity, steam, or heat. Although these emissions are not directly controlled by the organization, they can be influenced through energy procurement and efficiency measures. 

What is it? Why track?

Scope 3 emissions refer to all other indirect emissions that occur in the value chain of the organization, such as emissions from suppliers, transportation, and customer use of products. These emissions are often the largest contributor to a company’s carbon footprint and require collaboration with external stakeholders to address.

Create transparent and low carbon logistic flows

Connect ESG and carbon reporting metrics in the Everstream Platform to decrease risk and uncover opportunities.

Carbon Mitigation

Balance shipping time, expense, and environmental impact when designing mitigation strategies with unmatched carbon data spanning ports, terminal operators, maritime and rail carriers, shippers, and trade authorities.

Intermodal Sustainability

Understand the risk and impact of intermodal equipment and network decisions to achieve sustainable cost savings and long-term operational efficiencies.

Corporate Sustainability

Reveal and diagnose anomalies in trade data, including counterfeit, fraud, or dangerous goods violations for regulatory compliance and corporate sustainability.