Multi-Tier Supplier Assessment and Monitoring

UFLPA Risk Insights

UFLPA forced labor

Multi-tier supplier visibility

Map, monitor, and assess network for UFLPA risk

Everstream combines AI predictions, historical supplier analysis, frequently updated UFLPA Supplier Watch List, with expert human analysis, to dynamically assess and predict supplier compliance risk so you can adapt and build a responsible network. Monitor ongoing supplier risk with Everstream proprietary UFLPA risk scoring and get alerts when potential threats arise.

The UFLPA Risk Solution gives companies a unique level of insights through:

  • Multi-tier network discovery to uncover and map unknown supplier relationships
  • Real-time updates from Everstream’s UFLPA Watch List
  • Ongoing supplier 24/7 incident monitoring
  • UFLPA-specific supplier risk assessments, scoring, and dashboards

Complete the form to connect with our team and see the solution in action.

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Resources and insights

Understanding UFLPA Risks in Your Supply Chain

Is your supply chain at risk for UFLPA compliance? Watch our webinar and learn how to identify potential UFLPA high-risk suppliers in your network and create action plans based on UFLPA supplier risk scores.

UFLPA guidance: Jump-start your global compliance...

Everstream’s UFLPA guidance includes using the law to launch a robust compliance program for other existing and emerging global human rights supply chain laws.

4 steps for a strong UFLPA strategy

4 steps to a strong UFLPA strategy that leverages technology to avoid border seizures, shipment delays, fines, and devaluing your brand.

Interested in UFLPA Risk Insights for Your Supply Chain?

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