Special Reports

Understanding the CS3D

WITH NEW UPDATES: The European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) singles out the largest companies doing business in the European Union. These companies will be accountable for applying the regulations to their upstream and downstream supply networks.   

The proposed law recognizes and depends on the interconnectedness of global supply chains. More importantly, it relies on companies knowing and visualizing their entire multi-tier supply network so they can monitor risk of violations and enforce the law.  

Get our white paper to understand how the CS3D will affect your operation. You’ll get detailed information including: 

  • Companies the law applies to (both directly and indirectly) 
  • What the law means by “value networks”  
  • How the law expects in-scope companies to assess, monitor, and enforce ESG violations 
  • Ways to build compliance into your existing operations 

Find out if your operation is in-scope, and get a jump start on preparing for this new legislation.  

Get the white paper 

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